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Here is an image that describes my experience in the Daily Living in the Dark Simulation.

Yes, all black. Although it may seem silly at first, this was what it was like in the whole experience of the simulation of visual impairment. They say seeing is believing, but the experience is unique all in and of itself. Before the experience, I had not paid so much attention to my own simple luxuries and basic capabilities, gifts I am lucky to have. During the experience, I became vulnerable, moving about not completely aware of my surroundings, and I experienced the needs of those that are physically challenged. I experienced what it was like to utilize my own senses, and make the most of what I had to still experience the world. From my experience, it is easy to realize that there are many people influenced by physical challenges, even if we don't see them everyday. Although there are some hurdles that may not be overcome, we can still guide these people another way. From the reflections of one of the members in the simulation, who was visually impaired like many of the crew in the simulation, I understood that it was challenging to experience these physical challenges for their lifetime, but that these people are just like anyone else, passionate, persevering, and deserving of love and praise. To me, this experience was inspiring to me to be grateful of my gifts and to be of service to those in need. Because of this experience, I become more well prepared and willing to help others, and this experience has helped me become more compassionate and understanding especially in preparation to my visit to the Cornwall School to support the physically and mentally challenged.

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